How can you choose accommodation in areas you do not know. How to understand, is there a good place to buy a real estate or not.
We recommend doing the following: print a map of the area you like. This can be a 2-4 zip code. Then, with a pen or pen, circle in these postal indices areas where you definitely do not want to live. It will be like a dead zone. But how to find out? That’s for this and the statistics. Therefore, we filter each of the areas.
1. District security or crime situation. You do not want to be afraid that they will rob you or your home. Therefore, I recommend using one of’s tools to help you see how many criminal cases were opened on that street or in that area.
How to check it out? Just go to this link, and at the top enter the zip code of the area you are interested in. Then, from the top left, click on Crime.
2. If you have children, it is important to know which school district this area belongs to. In America, you can not choose a state school – the children go to the school, which is determined by the place of residence. If you want to give your child to a private school then the place of residence then does not matter. Even if you do not have children yet, it’s still worth thinking about the future. You do not buy a property for a year. On this site you can check out where there are good public schools.
3. On the popular Zillow website, which also owns the Trulia, you can see the value that they sold at home over the past 6-12 months. Why is it for you? First, you will be able to see the rich or poor this area, as well as understand what price you can count on.
4. Public transport. Is he in this area? This is important for those who use it to get to work or to school. We have a car, but I go to work on public transport, because it is much more efficient.
5. Walk virtually through the streets on Google Maps. Immediately I warn: in some areas, the maps are outdated. But you can go along one or another street to get a general impression.
6. And the last but the most important method is to just go to that area and take a stroll. If you have time, do it both in the afternoon and in the evening.
After completing these 6 points, some of the areas you like are filtered out. Therefore, when you have already decided on the area, start a search. Immediately warn: this is not very fast. I tell everyone that you need to search intensely for about a year to find what you want.
Picture Credit: paulbr75