Choosing an condo, it is very important to pay attention to the location of the windows in the condo. It affects the lighting and uniform distribution of heat in the rooms. This, in turn, affects your mood, performance, comfort and even health.
Well, when the lighting coincides with your rhythm of life. For example, you like to wake up from the first rays of the sun and watch the sunset on the balcony.
Speaking about the location of the windows in the condo on the cardinal points, people usually remember two things: the windows to the north are bad, the windows to the south are good. However, not everything is so simple, so let’s understand.
North facing windows
This side is really very cold, especially in autumn and winter, so it needs to be warmed. In a room with northern windows you should not equip a nursery and place heat-loving plants.
But things are bad only if all the windows of the condo face north. If such a room is alone, consider how it can be used favorably. For example, you like to sleep late or work in a dim room. The indisputable plus of the north side is coolness and shade on hot summer days. Lamps, heaters and heat insulation will cope with the lack of heat and light in the winter.
Windows to the west side
With windows to the west in the room will be bright in the afternoon. From here there will be a view of the sunset. This is a great option for living and dining.
But here it is very important to take into account the climate zone. In the summer after dinner in the western rooms it is very warm, however in the winter they are influenced by the winds.
The windows to the north-west have pros and cons almost the same, only in summer it is cooler here.
East facing
Oriental windows are good for rooms where you spend the morning – for the kitchen and bedroom. But if you are an owl and do not like to get up with the first rays of the sun, then it is better to take care of blackout curtains, blinds or choose a bedroom on the other side (for example, from the west).
In the warm season, the eastern rooms heat up quickly, but in winter it will be cold here. Therefore it is better to put the air conditioner.
Windows to the southeast and south
The southern rooms are warm and bright at any time of the year. Home plants that need sun are great here. However, in the summer in the southern room is stuffy and hot, so the air conditioning does not hurt. A good alternative – the windows to the southeast – they are light and not too hot.
If you want to organize a workplace in this room, think carefully about the location of the monitor – so that it does not shine in your eyes, and the screen does not glare, and there is enough lighting.
Picture Credit: designermikele